Category Archives: tool

Remove the cardo-updater agent from OSX

I have the intercom from Cardo Systems, and it is really good
BUT when I updated the firmware some time agoe, it decided to install some software that  takes port 8080, which is one of those really common ports used by a lot of applications out there. So it really becomes a problem…

Now I figured this out after using lsof

Then I got the PID, so now I could do a ps -ef, to figure out WHICH parent process started it.

Ohh PPID = 1 🙂 That is the launchd-process


OK so now we know it is the launchd process.
So first just find it in launchd

Now in order to unload it we need to find the path to the plist file


As you can see above the plist file is :

path = /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.cardosystems.cardo-updater.plist

Allright, so now we can unload it

And that is it !


Calculate the minimum waste when cutting planks…

I made a web application which will calculate the most optimum layout of your pieces you would like to cut from a plank. This helps in figuring out how many planks of a certain size you would have to buy, and also gives you which pieces should be cut out on each plank.

Not sure how many times I have been sitting there, trying to figure out how many to buy, and now I simply thought that a small web-app would be nice. In fact I tried to google this, but it turns out that most people say stuff like, well add 10-15% to the total length, but that just does not work for me, that is way to inaccurate.

This page is currently in Swedish only, but until it has been translated, I bet you will understand anyway, the user interface is pretty easy to use (should not require any translation I think)…

anyway, here is the link;

